Thursday, January 29, 2015

Benefits of Green Apples

Benefits of Green Apples

Practice of eating fruits is highly recommended because it has many benefits for your body, but do you know how good eating green apple. Especially for those who want to lose weight.

This is because it not only has a range of nutrients but it also reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.

Green apple contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, soldium, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B, and is a source of soluble fiber. You are encouraged to eat the apples with the skin as part of the vitamin C content is located under the skin.

Green apples can also help prevent:
Construction of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall.
Reduce the risk of heart disease.
Assist the membrane lung health.
• Supports bone health by adding chemicals (boron) on bone mineral.
• Supports a healthy cardiovascular system by maintaining the level of blood cholesterol.
Helps maintain weight.
• Reduce stress asthma.
Reduce the risk of cancer.
For those who have problems with constipation or digestive blend of green apple with celery and drink every morning before breakfast. It can cleanse the intestinal tract and remove toxic quickly through the digestive system. Substance sour green apple is an excellent body cleanser.

Green apple also act as a refresher facial skin. Cut green apple and immediately immerse in ice for 5 minutes. Then put on your face, leave for 15 minutes. You will be able to taste the freshness. If practiced regularly it can smooth the skin.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hair Problem among Elderly

Hair Problem among Elderly

  • As people age, most people experience changes of their body functions and organs in some way due to changes in individual cells and in body organs
  • These changes may result in changes in appearance and thus the experience of aging
  • Similarly, hair colour starts to change and by age of 50 years old, 50% of the hair in 50% of people will have turn grey. This is mainly due to the loss of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells)
  • The degree of hair graying often runs in families, however, the responsible genes are unknown
Symptoms and signs of hair problem among elderly
As a person ages, the hair quality and distribution can change considerably and hair may become thinner, more brittle and loses its natural colour.
The common aging changes in hair include:
  1. Hair color change
    • This is one of the obvious signs of aging
    • Hair graying usually starts as early as the 30s. With aging, less melanin are formed by the hair follicles.
    • Hair on the scalp usually starts to turn grey at the temples region and extend upwards toward the roof of the scalp.
    • Hair color becomes lighter and eventually turning white
    • Hair on the body and face will also turn grey. This occur much later compare to the scalp hair.
    • The speed of hair graying may be determined by genetic factors
  1. Hair loss
    • With aging almost everyone has some hair loss due to the slowing down of hair growth
    • Many hair follicles stop producing new hairs
    • Eventually, the hair becomes thin, fine and light-colored
    • Baldness may occur in both sexes but with differing distribution
    • Men may start showing signs of baldness by the time they are 30 years old and many men are nearly bald by age 60. In male-pattern baldness, hair may be lost at the vertex (top of head) and front temporal (front and side) region
    • In women, they can have loss of hair after menopause and this is called female-pattern baldness i.e. hair becomes less dense and the scalp may become more visible
    • As a person ages, body and facial hair are also lost
  1. Excessive hair growth
    • In women, excessive or unwanted hair growth becomes common after menopause. Facial hair may become coarser, especially on the chin and around the lips
    • Men may  notice  that hair grow longer and coarser in eyebrow, ear and nose regions

Sex for a Price

Sex for a Price

Sex for a price refers to the act of sex for a fee, which is also called prostitution.
It is illegal and against the Malaysian law if a teenager performs sex or is forced to have sex or paid a sum of money for the service provided. This act can be reported to the authorities and the parties concerned can be charged.
The true incidence in our country is not known but the commercial exploitation of teenagers remains a growing problem.
Many of the victims are trafficked by middle-men and most of them are from the lower income groups who might have migrated to the cities for job opportunities. Some teens work as a group with an agent while some are on their own.
Consequences of Prostitution
Prostitution causes physical, mental and social complications
  • Physically your body is at risk of being abused by violent clients.
  • The biggest fear of prostitution is contracting sexually transmitted illness like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, viral warts, Herpes, Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.
  • Unplanned pregnancies can happen and this can lead to health problems in young girls who might not have social support to continue the pregnancy. This can lead to abandoned babies.
  • Mental health issues like anxiety, depression and suicide are rife among young girls who engage in the sex trade.
ABSTINENCE is advocated in young, unmarried girls. The complications of sex for money is too far reaching for a young person be it a boy or a girl.
Be mindful of good job offers that promise “big bucks” by strangers in big cities.
Do not fall prey to human traffickers.
Always practice safe sex if dealing with a client- Use barriers like condoms and diaphragms (Link to Contraception). Please see your doctor for emergency contraception.
Where can I get help to escape my traffickers?
It is never too late to stop yourself from prostitution.
Please get help from :
  • Talian Nur- 15999
  • Your nearest police station
  • The nearest hospital /clinic
The agencies above will alert the social services to help you with counseling, rehabilitation, placement as well as getting medical treatment and screening.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Unexpected Gift

unexpected gift

everybody love to get gift from others especially on their birthday but.. are you sure that gift that you get is the one you hope.

try gift it to your bff or girlfriend sure u will get something from them hahaha..

Friday, January 16, 2015

Easy exercising at home

Easy exercising at home

The Star
Monday, 23/12/2013
Easy exercising at home

All you need is a clear area and comfortable clothes to get fit in your own personal space.
BADAK, Fatty, Fadly (a combination of Fatty and Adly) – those were some of the names Adly Almanzo Adnan was regularly called in secondary school, due to his obesity.
While they were certainly hurtful to hear, the greater tragedy was that Adly eventually grew immune to their sting; a fact that he acknowledges probably delayed his eventual efforts to get fit.
“After a while, I grew used to it, which was bad in a way, because if not, I would have done something earlier,” says the 31-year-old freelance personal trainer.
Despite getting used to the name-calling and bullying, his self-esteem and self-confidence were still badly affected.
“To be honest, I kind of despised my body at the time.
“It wasn’t really good in terms of my own self-image, coupled with low self-esteem, and I lacked any sort of self-confidence,” he shares.
Then, his parents decided to send him to do A-Levels at a boarding school in Shropshire, England.
“They provided dorm(itory) food, and every day, the food was like steamed vegetables and chicken breast – day in, day out, you got this sort of food.
“Then, everyday, I did a lot of bodyweight exercises – push-ups, pull-ups and dips – and I played basketball everyday,” he says.
“And after six months when I came back, my friends and parents who greeted me at the airport couldn’t recognise me, because I had lost a lot of weight, and packed on a lot of size (muscle) as well!
“So, from that point onwards, my self-confidence grew, my self-esteem shot up, and I just realised the benefits of being fitter.”
Thus, his passion for fitness was born. He started reading a lot about fitness, including buying every Men’s Health magazine he could get his hands on, and really began to work out to build his bulk.

Toning it down
However, he notes that getting to where he is today was through a lot of trial and error.
“The size I packed on in college wasn’t that ideal. I did lose weight, and I did put on muscles, but it was hampering my daily activities and I was quite heavy, going up to about 90kg.
“So, for example, I kept getting injured at football, because I was very top-heavy – my legs couldn’t support me properly.
“My pants were also getting tighter, because I wasn’t just putting on muscle, but also putting on fat, because my nutritional knowledge was not there. I was just eating everything I could, because that’s how you bulk up.
“And I thought, no, that’s just not practical, and it wasn’t comfortable any more.”
With that in mind, he decided to focus on a pure bodyweight programme about the time he started working.
The result: he managed to strip off about 15kg of bulk, leaving him at a comfortable and healthy weight, which allows him to play sports without getting injured.
Adly adds that he no longer has to spend long hours at the gym, and can finish off his daily exercise routine within an hour.
It was also around this time he realised he needed to change his eating habits. While previously, he was eating lots of mamak food, especially after his gym sessions, now, his diet has changed to include healthier options, like brown rice and less oily foods, and he has stopped the binge-eating.
“Nutrition is important. However, if we are talking about body composition and fat loss, I think what you eat doesn’t matter so much, because at the end of the day, it is calories in, calories out.
“If you want to lose weight, you need to expend more energy than you consume. So, if let’s say I need 3,000 calories a day, if I want to lose weight, then I just need to eat 2,500 calories a day.
“But it doesn’t matter where this 2,500 calories comes from; it can come from 2,500 calories of McDonald’s or 2,500 calories of steamed chicken breasts or steamed fish,” he says.
However, he adds that this does not mean he advocates eating whatever we like, as what we eat has long-term effects on the body; for example, on cholesterol levels, blood pressure and weight.
“What I’m saying is that one hamburger or pizza won’t derail everything. Some people can be really uptight about it, so they reject invitations out to social events, but that’s not the way it should be.
“You should still be able to enjoy life, and at the same time, just try to be as fit as you can be and eat well.”
Helping others get fit
Although he didn’t originally plan to become a personal trainer, the death of his father in 2011 triggered a change of heart.
“People were always asking me advice (about fitness), and they were always telling me I should be a personal trainer.
“So when my dad passed away, I thought it was time to really do something to start helping people,” he says.
He found that he really enjoyed what he did, and found it very fulfilling.
That was when he decided to do things properly and get certified. He underwent the six-month American Council of Exercise personal trainer certification programme last year, and successfully completed the course.
He still advocates bodyweight exercises, which can be done at home because it requires no equipment, and can be tailored for any level of fitness.
The following are five exercises that beginners can try out in their own homes.
Regressed push-up
  • Get into the regressed push-up position (see top photo), while holding your upper body up at arm’s length with your hands placed shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself down until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
  • Breathe out and press your upper body back up to the starting position.
  • Hold the starting position for a brief moment, then begin lowering yourself downward again and repeat the exercise.
Mountain climber
  • Begin in a push-up position, i.e. your body facedown on the floor with your weight supported by your hands and toes.
  • Flexing the knee and hip, bring one leg forward to your chest.
  • Then, stretch it back to the starting position.
  • Do the same with the other leg.
  • Repeat the exercise, alternating your legs.
High-knee run
  • Stand in place with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Bring one knee towards your chest, then quickly return it to the ground.
  • Follow immediately by bringing the other knee towards your chest, and quickly returning it to the ground.
  • Repeat the exercise by alternating your legs as quickly as you can.
Split-squat (Lunge)
  • Begin in a split-leg standing position with your hands on your hips, and one leg forward and one leg back. You knees should be flexed and your hips slightly lowered.
  • Move downwards by bending your front knee to 90° angle. Keep your torso straight. Go as low as you can without your back leg touching the floor.
  • Move back upwards to the starting position, then repeat the exercise.
  • After that, switch the other leg forward, and repeat the exercise.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and arms held out straight in front of you.
  • Move downwards to a sitting position by bending both your knees, while keeping your arms and back straight. Make sure that your knees do not go past your toes.
  • Reverse your movement to return to the starting position. Then, repeat the exercise.
Number of repetitions
  • Beginners can start with five repetitions for the regressed push-up, split-squat (lunge) and squat, and 10 repetitions for the mountain climber and high-knee run.
  • As you get used to the exercise, you can slowly increase the number of repetitions by one each time you do the routine, until you are doing 10 repetitions for the regressed push-up, split-squat and squat, and 20 repetitions for the mountain climber and high-knee run.
  • Once you get used to this level of intensity, you can up your exercise routine by repeating the entire circuit twice. After the first round, rest for 30-40 seconds before starting on the second round.
  • As you get used to the exercise, you can slowly increase the number of times you repeat the circuit until you are doing four repetitions.
  • Once you reach this level, you can consider diversifying the types and intensity of the exercises you do.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Preparedness and Response for MERS-CoV

Preparedness and Response for MERS-CoV

Tutorial Blog

Tutorial For Blogspot

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Example Resume

Example Resume

for those who looking for new job here we give you example of resume to help you get a new job or get the better job for your future..

you can download this resume for free